Electric Rates
Below are the current electric rates effective January 1, 2025. All electric rates presented are before applicable taxes. If you have questions about your billing, please reach out to our team for assistance.

Our mission is to serve our customers with reliable, quality power, water, wastewater, and communication products and services in a prompt, courteous, and environmentally sensitive manner, at competitive rates, generating sufficient income for infrastructure improvements and a return to our owners.
Below are the current electric rates effective January 1, 2025. All electric rates presented are before applicable taxes. If you have questions about your billing, please reach out to our team for assistance.
Charge Description | Rate |
Customer Charge (per month) | $19.00 |
Basic Energy (October - June) | $0.084 per KWh |
Summer Energy (July - September) | $0.097 per KWh |
Charge Description | Rate |
Customer Charge (per month) | $33.00 |
Basic Energy (October - June) | $0.095 per kWh |
Summer Energy (July - September) | $0.108 per kWh |
Small Commercial rates are available to non-resident customers whose peak demand is generally less than 60 KW, single-phase or three-phase. Service is subject to BMU established rules and regulations.
Charge Description | Rate |
Customer Charge (per month) | $140.00 |
Basic Energy (All Months) | $0.039 per Kwh |
Demand - Basic (October - June) | $15.50 per KW |
Demand - Summer (July - September) | $21.20 per KW |
Large Commercial rates are available to non-residential customers whose peak demands have exceeded 60 KW. Service is subject to BMU established rules and regulations.
Charge Description | Rate |
Customer Charge (per month) | $200.00 |
Basic Energy (All Months) | $0.038 per Kwh |
Demand - Basic (October - June) | $15.15 per KW |
Demand - Summer (July - September) | $20.85 per KW |
Industrial rates are available to commercial and industrial customers for all power and lighting through one set of meters at a single delivery point. Customers must remain in the rate class for a minimum of 12 months.
The minimum bill for Industrial customers shall be equal to 50% of the past 12 months’ highest demand x $15.15/KW. The minimum shall be charged only when the sum of the total energy charges and the total demand charges for the current month do not equal the calculated minimum.
Billing Demand will be the maximum fifteen-minute measured demand in the month.
Charge Description | Rate |
Customer Charge (per month) | $200.00 |
Basic Energy (All Months) | $0.041 per Kwh |
Demand Charge (All Months) | $7.90 per KW |
Interruptible rates are available to customers with a demand of 50KW or greater. Under this rate, the customer must agree to have their electric service disconnected when the Utility’s electric system is approaching or in danger of reaching a peak condition. The Utility will give a 15-minute warning before disconnecting the load. Customers must remain in this rate class for a minimum of 12 months.
LOAD FACTOR ADJUSTMENT – If the customer’s load factor for the month (as determined by measurement) is less than 55%, the billing rate will be increased by multiplying the energy and demand rates by 55% and dividing by the average monthly load factor expressed in percent as illustrated in this formula:
If LF<55%, then Adjusted Energy & Demand Billing
Rate = (Billing Rate x 55%)/LF
Notwithstanding the prior calculation, the maximum applicable energy rate shall be $0.095/KWH and demand rate shall be $21.20/KW. Otherwise, the Billing Rate = Billing Rate.
Season | Time Period |
WINTER (Nov 16-Mar 15) Monday-Friday
Peak Off-Peak | 7:00 am-7:00 pm (12hrs) 7:00 pm-7:00 am (12hrs) |
SPRING (Mar 16-Jun 15) Monday-Friday Peak Off-Peak | 10:00 am-6:00 pm (8hrs) 6:00 pm-10:00 am (16hrs) |
SUMMER (Jun 16-Sept 15) Monday-Friday Peak Off-Peak | 10:00 am-7:00 pm (9hrs) 7:00 pm-10:00 am (15hrs) |
FALL (Sept 16-Nov 15) Monday-Friday Peak Off-Peak | 10:00 am-6:00 pm (8hrs) 6:00 pm-10:00 am (16hrs) |
Monthly Customer Charge | $140.00 |
Per KWH | PEAK: $0.055
OFF-PEAK: $0.041 |
Demand Charge Basic (October-June)
Demand Charge Summer (July-September) | PEAK: $15.50/KW OFF-PEAK: $1.75/KW
PEAK: $21.20/KW OFF-PEAK: $1.75/KW |
Note: Off-Peak includes Saturday and Sunday. In the Fall, Off-Peak hours begin at 5:00 pm on Friday.
Time of Day is available to customers with a demand of 75KW or greater. Customers must remain in this rate class for a minimum of 12 months.
Below are the current water and wastewater rates effective January 1, 2025. If you have any questions regarding your billing, please reach out to our team.
Meter Size | Monthly Charge |
5/8", 3/4", 1" | $22.00 |
1-1/4", 1-1/2" | $69.50 |
2" | $102.50 |
3" | $200.00 |
4" | $305.50 |
6" | $594.00 |
8" | $1,015.00 |
10" | $1,445.00 |
Monthly Usage Charge |
$1.608/100 cubic feet |
Monthly Surcharge 2023 Bond Issue |
$2.450/100 cubic feet |
*Surcharge 2023 Bond Issue: In 2022, BMU issued bonds to finance a new water treatment plant and numerous large piping projects. Customer bills will include a monthly surcharge for the financing obligation for the length of the bond issue, which is 30 years.
Each customer will be assigned a Summer Peak Usage Adjustment Level (SPUAL). The SPUAL will be set at an amount equal to 300% of the greater of the Winter Residential City Monthly Average (WRCMA) or the average of the customer’s most recent monthly usage for the months of December through March at the customer’s current residence. The WRCMA will be calculated each year (rounded to the nearest tenth) after the billing cycle is run in March from usage data for the December through March billing periods of the immediately preceding three years. Any customer who does not have water usage history with the utility at the address at which service is requested shall be assigned the WRCMA for purposes of computing their SPUAL.
All water consumed above the assigned SPUAL on bills dated July, August, and September will be billed at the rate of two times the published rate and two times the surcharge rate per 100 cubic feet of water.
Irrigation water rates are determined by multiplying the applicable consumption rate and service charge by a factor of 1.40. The service charge shall be $7.00 per billing cycle for the billing months of November through April for irrigation meters left in place during those months.
Rural water rates are determined by multiplying the applicable consumption rate and service charge by a factor of 1.10.
A $50.00 fee shall be applied when any water meter is reinstalled.
All Customers | Monthly Charge |
Monthly Customer Charge | $17.90 |
Usage Charge | $5.123/100 cubic feet of metered water or wastewater flow |
A residential user shall be defined as a domestic dwelling unit such as houses, mobile homes, and permanent multi-family dwellings with a separate water meter.
Wastewater charges for usage and surcharge will be computed per 100 cubic feet of water used in the December-March billing cycles, plus the Customer Charge. The average of these four billing cycles will determine the monthly wastewater charge for the following eight billing cycles.
A commercial user shall include any facility operating as a business, either profit or nonprofit, and all publicly owned facilities, except consumers listed under residential, industrial, and institutional.
The wastewater charge and surcharge will be computed: 1) per 100 cubic feet of water used, plus the customer charge; or 2) per 100 cubic feet of metered wastewater flow, plus the Customer Charge.
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View BMU's Rules & Regulations.
Learn about the sections of your bill, signing up for new service, payment options, how to set up AutoPay, paperless billing, and more.